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Available courses

To be taken by all learners in the department of hospitality

Unit Overview

This unit provides a comprehensive understanding of the service aspect within the food and beverage industry. It covers the essential skills and knowledge required to deliver excellent customer service in various food and beverage settings. Students will learn about service standards, customer interactions, dining room management, and the roles and responsibilities of food and beverage service staff. By the end of this unit, students will be well-prepared to deliver exceptional service in restaurants, cafes, hotels, and other food service establishments.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the Principles of Food and Beverage Service:

    • Learn the fundamentals of food and beverage service.
    • Understand different types of service styles (e.g., table service, buffet service, self-service).
  2. Deliver Exceptional Customer Service:

    • Develop skills in effective communication and customer interaction.
    • Understand the importance of customer satisfaction and strategies to achieve it.
  3. Manage Service Areas:

    • Learn how to set up and maintain dining areas.
    • Understand the procedures for table settings, clearing, and resetting.
  4. Handle Food and Beverage Orders:

    • Master the techniques of taking and processing orders accurately.
    • Understand the use of point-of-sale systems and order management.
  5. Understand Food and Beverage Products:

    • Gain knowledge of various food and beverage items.
    • Learn how to make menu recommendations and pairings.
  6. Ensure Compliance with Health and Safety Standards:

    • Understand food safety regulations and hygiene practices.
    • Implement health and safety measures in service areas.
  7. Resolve Customer Complaints:

    • Develop problem-solving skills to handle customer complaints effectively.
    • Learn techniques for conflict resolution and maintaining customer satisfaction.

Course Content

Week 1: Introduction to Food and Beverage Service

  • Overview of the food and beverage industry.
  • Importance of service quality in food and beverage operations.
  • Roles and responsibilities of service staff.

Week 2: Types of Food and Beverage Service

  • Table service (e.g., French, American, Russian, and English service).
  • Buffet service and self-service.
  • Banquet service and catering.

Week 3: Customer Service Skills

  • Effective communication techniques.
  • Building rapport with customers.
  • Handling special requests and dietary requirements.

Week 4: Dining Room Setup and Management

  • Table settings and layout design.
  • Preparing the dining area for service.
  • Maintaining cleanliness and organization.

Week 5: Taking and Processing Orders

  • Techniques for taking accurate orders.
  • Using point-of-sale systems.
  • Coordination with kitchen staff.

Week 6: Understanding Menus and Pairings

  • Types of menus and their components.
  • Food and beverage pairings.
  • Making recommendations to customers.

Week 7: Food and Beverage Service Techniques

  • Serving food and beverages efficiently and gracefully.
  • Clearing tables and resetting for the next service.
  • Handling special service situations (e.g., wine service, flambĂ©).

Week 8: Health and Safety in Service Areas

  • Food safety regulations and compliance.
  • Hygiene practices for service staff.
  • Emergency procedures and first aid.

Week 9: Handling Customer Complaints

  • Identifying common customer complaints.
  • Techniques for resolving issues calmly and effectively.
  • Follow-up procedures to ensure customer satisfaction.

Week 10: Beverage Knowledge and Service

  • Types of beverages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic).
  • Beverage preparation and presentation.
  • Responsible service of alcohol.

Week 11: Special Events and Banquets

  • Planning and executing banquet services.
  • Coordinating with event planners and other staff.
  • Managing large-scale service operations.

Week 12: Practical Applications and Case Studies

  • Real-world case studies of successful service operations.
  • Practical exercises in food and beverage service scenarios.
  • Group projects and presentations.

Assessment Methods

  1. Quizzes and Assignments:

    • Weekly quizzes to assess understanding of key concepts.
    • Assignments related to various aspects of food and beverage service.
  2. Practical Exams:

    • Hands-on tests to evaluate skills in service techniques and customer interactions.
  3. Group Projects:

    • Develop a comprehensive service plan for a hypothetical food and beverage establishment.
    • Present the service plan to the class for peer review.
  4. Final Exam:

    • Comprehensive test covering all aspects of the unit.


  • Textbooks and Articles: Selected readings on food and beverage service principles, customer service, and management techniques.
  • Online Resources: Access to online tools and platforms for service management and customer interaction.
  • Case Studies: Real-world examples and case studies for analysis and discussion.

Unit Overview

This unit is designed to provide comprehensive knowledge and skills necessary for effective food production. It covers a wide range of topics including the principles of food production, safety and hygiene practices, equipment operation, and quality control. The unit will prepare students to work in various food production environments, ensuring the production of high-quality and safe food products.

Learning Objectives

  1. Understand the Principles of Food Production:

  2. Implement Food Safety and Hygiene Practices:

    • Apply food safety regulations and standards.
    • Maintain high standards of personal and workplace hygiene.
  3. Operate Food Production Equipment:

    • Understand the operation and maintenance of food production equipment.
    • Troubleshoot common issues with equipment.
  4. Manage Quality Control Processes:

    • Implement quality control measures to ensure product consistency.
    • Conduct sensory evaluations and laboratory tests.
  5. Plan and Organize Production Processes:

    • Develop efficient production schedules.
    • Manage inventory and resources effectively.

Course Content

Week 1: Introduction to Food Production

Week 2: Food Safety and Hygiene

  • Foodborne illnesses and their prevention.
  • Personal hygiene and sanitation practices.
  • Cleaning and sanitizing equipment and facilities.
  • HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) principles.

Week 3: Raw Materials and Ingredients

  • Types and sources of raw materials.
  • Quality specifications and standards for ingredients.
  • Storage and handling of raw materials.

Week 4: Food Production Equipment

  • Overview of common food production equipment.
  • Operating principles and safety features.
  • Routine maintenance and troubleshooting.

Week 5: Food Processing Techniques

  • Thermal processing (e.g., baking, boiling, steaming).
  • Non-thermal processing (e.g., freezing, dehydration, fermentation).
  • Emerging technologies in food processing.

Week 6: Product Development

  • Stages of product development from concept to market.
  • Sensory evaluation and product testing.
  • Packaging and labeling requirements.

Week 7: Production Planning and Scheduling

  • Principles of effective production planning.
  • Developing production schedules and workflows.
  • Managing production bottlenecks.

Week 8: Quality Control and Assurance

  • Quality control techniques and procedures.
  • Sensory evaluation methods.
  • Laboratory testing and analysis.
  • Implementing quality assurance programs.

Week 9: Inventory and Resource Management

  • Inventory management techniques.
  • Forecasting and supply chain management.
  • Resource allocation and optimization.

Week 10: Regulatory Compliance

  • Overview of food production regulations and standards.
  • Compliance with local, national, and international laws.
  • Record-keeping and documentation requirements.

Week 11: Sustainability in Food Production

  • Sustainable sourcing of raw materials.
  • Reducing waste and improving efficiency.
  • Environmental impact of food production.

Week 12: Practical Applications and Case Studies

  • Real-world case studies of successful food production operations.
  • Practical exercises in food production scenarios.
  • Group projects and presentations.

Assessment Methods

  1. Quizzes and Assignments:

    • Weekly quizzes to assess understanding of key concepts.
    • Assignments related to each phase of food production.
  2. Practical Exams:

    • Hands-on tests to evaluate skills in operating equipment and applying food safety practices.
  3. Group Projects:

    • Develop a comprehensive food production plan, including safety, quality control, and sustainability measures.
    • Present the production plan to the class for peer review.
  4. Final Exam:

    • Comprehensive test covering all aspects of the unit.


  • Textbooks and Articles: Selected readings on food production principles, safety standards, and processing techniques.
  • Online Resources: Access to online tools and platforms for food production management and collaboration.
  • Case Studies: Real-world examples and case studies for analysis and discussion.

Unit Overview

This unit aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills required to effectively plan and execute workshops. Students will learn the comprehensive process of workshop planning, including defining objectives, creating agendas, coordinating logistics, and evaluating outcomes. By the end of this unit, students will be capable of organizing workshops that are engaging, informative, and productive.

Learning Objectives

  1. Define Workshop Objectives:

    • Understand the importance of clear and measurable objectives.
    • Learn to align workshop goals with organizational or educational outcomes.
  2. Develop Workshop Content and Structure:

    • Design engaging and relevant content tailored to the audience.
    • Create a logical and effective structure for the workshop.
    • Develop a detailed agenda and schedule.
  3. Coordinate Logistics:

    • Identify and arrange the necessary resources, including venue, equipment, and materials.
    • Manage participant registration and communication.
    • Ensure compliance with health and safety regulations.
  4. Facilitate the Workshop:

    • Master techniques for effective facilitation and engagement.
    • Handle group dynamics and promote a collaborative environment.
    • Manage time efficiently during the workshop.
  5. Evaluate Workshop Outcomes:

    • Develop methods for assessing the effectiveness of the workshop.
    • Collect and analyze feedback from participants.
    • Use evaluation data to improve future workshops.

Course Content

Week 1: Introduction to Workshop Planning

  • Importance of workshops in professional and educational settings.
  • Overview of the workshop planning process.
  • Defining objectives and expected outcomes.

Week 2: Content Development and Structuring

  • Designing content that meets the needs of the audience.
  • Creating a detailed agenda and schedule.
  • Incorporating interactive and engaging activities.

Week 3: Logistics Coordination

  • Venue selection and setup requirements.
  • Equipment and material needs.
  • Participant registration and communication strategies.
  • Ensuring accessibility and compliance with regulations.

Week 4: Facilitation Skills

  • Techniques for effective facilitation.
  • Managing group dynamics and encouraging participation.
  • Handling difficult situations and questions.
  • Time management during workshops.

Week 5: Evaluation and Feedback

  • Methods for evaluating workshop success.
  • Designing feedback forms and surveys.
  • Analyzing feedback and data.
  • Reporting outcomes and making improvements.

Week 6: Practical Application and Case Studies

  • Real-world examples of successful workshops.
  • Group project: Plan and present a workshop proposal.
  • Peer review and discussion.

Assessment Methods

  1. Quizzes and Assignments:

    • Weekly quizzes to assess understanding of key concepts.
    • Assignments related to each phase of workshop planning.
  2. Group Project:

    • Develop a comprehensive workshop plan, including objectives, agenda, logistics, and evaluation methods.
    • Present the workshop plan to the class for peer review.
  3. Final Evaluation:

    • Written reflection on the workshop planning process.
    • Self-assessment and feedback from peers and instructors.


  • Textbooks and Articles: Selected readings on project management, event planning, and facilitation techniques.
  • Online Resources: Access to online tools and platforms for workshop planning and collaboration.
  • Case Studies: Real-world examples and case studies for analysis and discussion.